茨城大学農学部食生命科学科 坂上研究室


論文,報告書等 Papers

査読あり Peer Reviewed Articles

Masada M, Enomoto T, Katata G, Sakagami N, Suzuki Y, Oikawa S* (2023) Competition between the invasive alien species Solidago altissima and the native Pueraria lobata in Japan. Botany Letters, 170, 532–540
Arsyadi A, Guo Y*, Ebihara A, Sakagami N, Sakoda M, Tago K, Kamijo T, Ohta H, Nishizawa T (2023) A nitrate-transforming bacterial community dominates in the Miscanthus rhizosphere on nitrogen-deficient volcanic deposits of Miyake-jima. Microorganisms, 11, 260
Katata G*, Watanabe M, Oikawa S, Takahashi A, Kubota T, Takase Y, Enomoto T, Sakagami N, Suzuki Y, Fukushima K, Ueda M (2023) Evidence of NOx and O3 concentration reduction by kudzu (Pueraria lobata) invasion at a Japanese highway. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 14, 101644
Li P, Gong Y, Lu W, Sakagami N, Mo Z, Komatsuzaki M* (2022) Radiocesium distribution caused by tillage inversion affects the soil-to-crop transfer factor and translocation in agroecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 831, 154867
Nyamsanjaa K, Oyuntsetseg B, Takashima Y, Sakagami N, Watanabe M* (2022) Characteristics of Cenococcum geophilum sclerotia found in steppe forest soil in Mongolia. Journal of Forest Research, 21, 76-82
Guo Y, Nishizawa T*, Sakagami N, Fujimura R, Kamijo T, Ohta H (2021) Root bacteriome of a pioneer grass Miscanthus condensatus along restored vegetation on recent Miyake-jima volcanic deposits. Rhizosphere, 19, 100422
Nyamsanjaa K, Watanabe M*, Sakagami N, Oyuntsetseg B (2021) Metal accumulation in sclerotium grains collected from low pH forest soils. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 56, 303-309
高瀬 唯*・堅田元喜・及川真平・榎本忠夫・坂上伸生(2020)クズが繁茂する道路法面の景観に対する人々の許容態度の傾向に関する研究.環境情報科学,34,174–179
Wulanningtyas HS, Gong Y, Li P, Sakagami N, Nishiwaki J, Komatsuzaki M* (2020) A cover crop and no-tillage system for enhancing soil health by increasing. Soil & Tillage Research, 205, 104749
Gong Y, Li P, Sakagami N, Komatsuzaki M* (2020) No-tillage with rye cover crop can reduce net global warming potential and yield-scaled global warming potential in the long-term organic soybean field. Soil & Tillage Research, 205, 104747
Sakoda M, Mizusawa M, Shiotsu F, Sakagami N, Guo Y, Masutomi Y, Fujii D, Isobe K, Fujiwara T, Senoo K, Nishizawa T* (2019) Azoarcus sp. strain KH32C affects rice plant growth and the root-associated soil bacterial community in low nitrogen input paddy fields. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 65, 451–459
Lathifah AN, Guo Y, Sakagami N, Suda W, Higuchi M, Nishizawa T, Prijambada ID, Ohta H* (2019) Comparative characterization of bacterial communities in moss-covered and unvegetated volcanic deposits of Mount Merapi, Indonesia. Microbe and Environment, 34, 268–277
Sakagami N*, Shiotsu F, Asagi N, Komatsuzaki M, Nitta Y, Suprapta DN (2019) The carbon degradation of paddy soil under organic and conventional farming in Bali, Indonesia as measured by sequential loss on ignition. Tropical Agriculture and Development, 63, 30–33
Sakagami N*, Guo Y, Watanabe M (2018) Physicochemical characteristics of Cenococcum sclerotia formed in different types of forest soil. Soil Microorganisms, 72, 50–55
Sugiura Y, Watanabe M, Nonoyama Y, Sakagami N, Guo Y, Murayama S* (2017) Saccharides of ectomycorrhizal fungal sclerotia as sources of forest soil polysaccharides. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 63, 426–433
Oyama K, Sudiarta P, Shiotsu F, Sakagami N*, Komatsuzaki M, Nitta Y, Kurusu Y, Suprapta DN (2017) Benefits and difficulties of organic and conventional rice farming systems in Bali, Indonesia. Tropical Agriculture and Development, 61, 70–76
Sakagami N, Shiotsu F*, Agustiani N, Komatsuzaki M, Nitta Y (2016) Characteristics of elemental composition and organic component of Indonesian rice: examples of several products in Indonesia including organic rice. Tropical Agriculture and Development, 60, 65–70
Syuaib MF, Komatsuzaki M, Ohta H, Sakagami N*, Ramli N, Syah D (2015) An educational approach to establish agricultural sustainability: lesson learned from a reciprocal double degree program between universities in Indonesia and Japan. Sustainability: the Journal of Record, 8, 200–206
Shiotsu F, Sakagami N*, Asagi N, Suprapta DN, Agustiani N, Nitta Y, Komatsuzaki M (2015) Initiation and dissemination of organic rice cultivation in Bali, Indonesia. Sustainability, 7, 5171–5181
Diene O*, Sakagami N, Narisawa K (2014) The role of dark septate endophytic fungal isolates in the accumulation of cesium by Chinese cabbage and tomato plants under contaminated environments. PLoS ONE, 9, e109233
Itoh N*, Hashimoto B, Sakagami N, Watanabe M (2013) The structure of a perylene-containing fossilized sclerotium is maintained by original silica. Organic Geochemistry, 63, 37–39
坂上伸生*・郭 永・箕浦靖久・太田寛行・佐藤嘉則・渡邊眞紀子・石川忠晴(2013)利根川感潮域の細粒底質動態と微生物群集特性.環境科学会誌,26,128–139
Itoh N*, Sakagami N, Torimura M, Watanabe M (2012) Perylene in Lake Biwa sediments originating from Cenococcum geophilum in its catchment area. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 95, 241–251
渡邊眞紀子*・高岡貞夫・森島 済・坂上伸生・Collado M・小口 高(2011)フィリピン・ピナツボ火山オドーネル川上流域における植生遷移と土壌性状にもとづく地力回復過程.地学雑誌,120,631–645
Sakagami N* (2009) Analysis on formation factor of sclerotia of Cenococcum geophilum in Picea abies forest, Harz Mts., Germany. Geographical Review of Japan Series B, 82, 184–195
Watanabe M*, Inoue Y, Sakagami N, Bolormaa O, Kawasaki K, Hiradate S, Fujitake N, Ohta H (2007) Characterization of major and trace elements in sclerotium grains. European Journal of Soil Science, 58, 786–793
Watanabe M*, Sato H, Matsuzaki H, Kobayashi T, Sakagami N, Maejima Y, Ohta H, Fujitake N, Hiradate S (2007) 14C ages and δ13C of sclerotium grains found in forest soils. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 53, 125–131
Watanabe M*, Genseki A, Sakagami N, Inoue Y, Ohta H, Fujitake N (2004) Aluminum oxyhydroxide polymorphs and some micromorphogical characteristics in sclerotium grains. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 50, 1205–1210
Watanabe M*, Ohishi S, Pott A, Hardenbicker U, Aoki K, Sakagami N, Ohta H, Fujitake N (2004) Soil chemical properties and distribution of sclerotium grains in forest soils, Harz Mts., Germany. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 50, 863–870


査読なし Other Articles

坂上伸生*(2021)<書評>犬伏和之,白鳥 豊 編「改訂 土壌学概論」.土と微生物,75,95
坂上伸生*(2021)<書評>田中治夫 編著,村田智吉 著「土壌環境調査・分析法入門」.土と微生物,75,94
Sakagami N, Liyantono, Chen B, Kato T, Ramri N (2020) Collaborative education toward regional sustainability in association with Bogor Agricultural University - International summer course program on agriculture and ecosystem resilience to environmental disaster in Java, Indonesia. International Workshop on Natural Resources and Risk Management in the Context of Climate Change, Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment, 369–375 ★Consolation Poster Presentation Award(佳作ポスター発表賞)
田代 崇・渡邊眞紀子・赤坂郁美・坂上伸生・村田智吉(2019)自然教育園ひょうたん池集水域の土壌.自然教育園報告(Rept. Inst. Nat. Stu.),50,21–28
坂上伸生*・佐藤達雄・小谷博光・田村 誠・加藤 亮・太田寛行(2016)農業の持続可能性をテーマとしたインドネシア短期研修の実践と国際共同教育の推進.茨城大学留学生センター紀要,14,67–75
Sakagami N (2016) Decomposition of soil organic component under organic rice cultivation in Bali, Indonesia. Proceedings of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment (ISAE) 2016, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, 98–102
Kurosawa Y, Sakagami N, Watanabe M (2013) A study on metallic element composition of petals from Yoshino cherry tree and its regional characteristics in Tokyo. Geographical Reports of Tokyo Metropolitan University, 48, 25–35
黒沢佑樹・坂上伸生・萩原信介・渡邊眞紀子(2012)自然教育園内に生育するソメイヨシノ(Prunus × yedoensis)の花弁に含まれる金属元素組成.自然教育園報告(Rept. Inst. Nat. Stu.),43,29–36
Sakagami N (2011) Distributional optimum of sclerotia, resting bodies of Cenococcum geophilum in forest soils. Geographical Reports of Tokyo Metropolitan University, 46, 63–72
大石隼平・Pot A.・坂上伸生・渡邊眞紀子(2003)ドイツ・ハーツ山地における土壌菌核様粒子の分布と土壌性状.科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C(2)研究代表:渡邊眞紀子)研究成果報告書,土壌菌核様粒子内の微生物フロラとその形成環境要因の解明,pp.39–53
